
Å district, Lomma Harbor, Lomma

Our assignment

Work started on Lomma Harbor in 2007 and the final phase is scheduled for completion in December 2013.

The transformation of the Å district is being conducted in close cooperation with Lomma Municipality. Skanska is involved in several design construct contracts and is responsible for project management, financing, planning, construction and sale of residential properties.

“I grew up in Lomma and remember what it looked like when cycled down to the beach for a swim. We had to walk between one ugly shed after the other to get there. The transformation that is now taking place is fantastic,” explains Bo Hansson, Project Manager.

Construction process

Work on the old industrial site began with comprehensive remediation work. This was followed by infrastructure work: we built roads and bridges and installed water and sanitation facilities. Careful planning in consultation with the municipality was necessary.

Because the buildings are situated by a river that runs into the sea, we must protect ourselves against the risk of flooding. When doing the foundation work, we raised the ground level to protect the buildings against high tides.

We designed the buildings based on their close proximity to the coast and have carefully chosen the material. They are constructed exclusively of concrete and other heavy materials. The facades must be able to withstand coastal winds and other conditions.

Safety for the residents

Safety is incredibly important in all Skanska projects. In Lomma Harbor, we have placed extra emphasis on the safety of third parties given that residents have already moved into the area. We have carefully planned the order in which the housing units should be produced with a keen eye on safety. Residents must also be able to get to where they live. Cordoned-off areas, clear signage and information play a key role in the safety work.  

Lars Liljedahl, Project Manager, explains that the new residents are positive toward the methods used to construct the buildings in the form of a focus on sustainability and energy efficiency, the design of living spaces and their contact with Skanska. He remembers a particular event with pride:

“A Nordic Skanska meeting was attended by a family that had moved into one of the townhouses. They came up on stage and talked openly about their experience. The family had a very positive view of the actual house and the area, as well as their contact with Skanska people. I think it put a smile on the face of everybody who worked on the project.”

Thr projects in figures

  • 113 apartments and 54 single-family homes are being built.
  • Total residential floor area: 17,500 square meters.


